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CSDA has participated in a number of international projects.
CSDA is the national hub of the large European distributed research infrastructure CESSDA ERIC (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives and the European Research Infrastructure Consortium). CESSDA ERIC is the so-called ESFRI Landmark, i.e. a successfully implemented Roadmap project of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI Roadmap). CESSDA creates a comprehensive and integrated European system of data services in the social sciences based on the interconnection of existing national archives of social science data. At the same time, it is a platform for cooperation in the development of technologies, standards, best practices, and methodologies in the field of data storage and sharing. Significant added value is the strengthening of the foundation for international comparative research.
CESSDA is based in Bergen, Norway, was founded in 2013 on the basis of a former informal association of European data organizations, and since 2017 has the legal status of the international ERIC consortium. The Czech Republic is one of the founding members. Today, the consortium brings together 22 European countries. Data organizations from another 18 countries cooperate with CESSDA ERIC within the CESSDA Network of Partners.
International Social Research Program ISSP
ISSP (International Social Survey Programme) is a long-running international program of research surveys on important topics in sociological research. Surveys are organized annually and combine international and time-perspective comparisons. The program was established in 1984 and now (in 2021) has 42 members. The Czech Republic has been a member since 1991. ČSDA creates the technical background for Czech participation in the program and actively participates in the activities of international ISSP working groups (e.g. it has representation on the ISSP Methodology Committee and is involved in ISSP Translation Group management; it is also regularly elected to working groups participating in the development of questionnaire modules).
International Federation of Data Organization IFDO
The aim of IFDO (International Federation of Data Organisations) is to support research concerning data access, the storage of digital information, and the development of standards and tools for working with data, as well as to support the development of data services.
International Association for Information Services and Technologies in the Social Sciences IASSIST
IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology) is an organization comprising data services professionals in the social sciences. Members of the ČSDA team regularly participate in IASSIST conferences and activities.
- Ilona Trtíková
- O archivu
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