New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving

Od 15.09.2022 14:00 Do 15.09.2022 16:30
Místo konání Online (ZOOM)
Uveřejněnil/a Ilona Trtíková
Kategorie: CESSDA
Počet zobrazení: 2449

New Data Types in Data Management and Archiving workshop will focus on the management, archiving and access to new types of data, i.e. administrative, transactional and social media data. The program will consist of four presentations tackling various issues related to handling the new types of data in data repositories and sharing these data in the community of social researchers. The speakers’ presentations will be followed by the panel discussion, where audience members are encouraged to participate and bring in their own experiences of archivists, data managers and researchers. The event is part of the CESSDA training activities.

 Slides - in Zenodo


14:00 - 14:20: “Current capacities among CESSDA SPs for handling new data types”, Martin Vávra (Czech Social Science Data Archive)

The talk will be focused on the current strengths and weaknesses of the CESSDA archives with regard to handling new types of data. The presentation relies on findings from a survey of CESSDA Service Providers carried in 2021, and brings forward information about the archives' strategies for the handling of new data types, as well as their actual experience with the new types of data.

14:20 - 14:40: “Proposals for a More Coordinated Approach to Handling New Data Types Across CESSDA SPs”, Brian Kleiner (FORS)

This presentation will put forward several proposals for a range of activities that could be implemented within CESSDA to help SPs better coordinate and benefit from synergies with respect to handling new data types. The aim will be to stimulate discussion among SPs about how such proposals could be put into action in a realistic way, given limited resources. 

14:40 - 15:00: “Social Media Data Sharing in Social Research”, Yevhen Voronin (GESIS)

The talk will present the results from an online survey of social scientists using social media data for their research and having published journal articles based on social media data between 2018 and 2021. The presentation will cover reasons why researchers do not share social media data and challenges while sharing (or considering to share) these data, and predictors of different intentions to share social media data.

15:00 - 15:20: “Social Science in the Embattled Digital Age: Adversarial Creation, Use and Sharing of New Data Types”, Pascal Jurgens (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

This presentation will introduce a data scientist’s personal experiences regarding new data types – from data collection, self-archiving, analysis, and publishing across open data/open source and commercial projects, along with ethical implications. It will include ethical, legal, political and pragmatic perspectives regarding future challenges and opportunities for archives.

15:20 – 15:30: Break

15:30 - 16:20: The panel discussion


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The organization of the workshop was supported by the Czech Social Science Data Archive project CSDA, reg. no. LM2018135. The project received funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports grant intended for support of the large research infrastructures.