CESSDA ERIC Service Providers' Forum

Od 17.10.2022 13:00 Do 18.10.2022 14:00
Uveřejněnil/a Ilona Trtíková
Kategorie: CESSDA
Počet zobrazení: 1142

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Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives – European Research Infrastructure Consortium Service Providers' Forum (CESSDA ERIC SPF) is a regular internal meeting providing a platform for discussion between members of LRI and boosting international cooperation within and outside CESSDA. This year it is a satellite meeting of ICRI 2022 conference,


17 October 2022 -  13:00 - 17:00

Lunch 12:00 -13:00

13.00 – 13:15 – Opening session

13:15 – 13:30 – Selected highlights from the Service Providers

13:30 – 14:30 - Developments at the CESSDA Main Office and Strategic Approaches

14:30 – 15:30 - CESSDA Services, future maintenance model for 2023 and agenda 2023

Coffee break

16:00 – 17:00 - CESSDA Services, future maintenance model for 2023 and agenda 2023

19:00 - Dinner - Restaurant Století

18 October 2022 -  09:30 - 12:30

09:30 – 10:30 - Updates on European Landscape. ESFRI and CESSDA Performance Indicator report

10:30 – 11:30 – EOSC activities’ updates

11:30 – 12:00 – AOB

12:00 – 12:30 – Lunch-to-go

Practical information

In the Czech Republic, you can pay by card almost everywhere, although exceptionally some places may accept only cash.

Recommended hotels nearby:

 Travelling in Prague

Transport from the Václav Havel Airport Prague (Ruzyně):

Bus number 119: Prague Airport - Nádraží Veleslavín (Subway, line A) - 15 min

Bus number 100: Prague Airport - Zličín (Subway, line B) - 18 min

After you get to the subway take a train to a subway station closest to your hotel or a venue.

Prague public transport timetableshttps://www.dpp.cz/en/timetables

Airport Taxi: Departure points are displayed in front of Arrivals hall.

Guidelines on the Airport Prague Web: Prague Airport – City Centre http://www.prg.aero/en/parking-transport/transport/public-transit/

 How to buy public transportation tickets?

Public Transportation counters are placed in arrival halls of Terminals 1 and 2, ticket machines are placed at bus stops. You can pay by card. After payment, a paper ticket will be printed for you.

To travelling anywhere in the city by the public transportation for 90 minutes a “Basic” ticket is suitable, it costs 40 CZK. Tickets for Airport express can be bought only from a bus driver (higher price).

Buy public transportation ticket with your phone - the sms ticket or by app

For the ticket that is valid for 90 minutes, send the sms with "DPT42" to the telephone number "90206", in two minutes you will receive the sms confirming that you have bought the ticket.

For the ticket that is valid for 30 minutes, send the sms with "DPT31" to the telephone number "90206", in two minutes you will receive the sms confirming that you have bought the ticket.

Buy tickets directly via mobile phone app Lítačka (available on both Google Play and App Store). See the website for instructional video and for links to download the app: https://app.pidlitacka.cz/

In the trams you can buy a ticket by card. After payment, a paper ticket will be printed for you.

By train:

Prague Main Railway Station (Praha Hlavní Nádraží) - tram 9 -  tram stop Národní třída


The venue of the  meeting  AKC (Academic Conference Center), Husova 4a, Praha 1. It is a part of the Institute of Sociology , Jilská 1, Praha 1

Subway: exit at one of the following stations and walk to the Institute of Sociology

  • Subway station Můstek (Metro A - green line or Metro B – yellow line)
  • Subway station Národní Třída (Metro B – yellow line)

By tram: tram indicated with numbers 2, 9, 18, 22, 23  and 25 – tram stop Národní třída

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The organization of the workshop was supported by the Czech Social Science Data Archive project CSDA, reg. no. LM2018135. The project received funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports grant intended for support of the large research infrastructures.