SSHOC releases video game to test and improve data management knowledge

An exciting new training tool has been released by the SSHOC project, teaching researchers about Data Publication and Research Data Management through a simple video game.

More information about the game s available here and the game can be played for free online here.

ESS ERIC call for round 12 rotating modules

Teams of researchers with an interest in comparative social science are invited to submit applications for modules of questions to be fielded as part of the round 12 of the European Social Survey (ESS).

CHPS in English

The CSDA data catalogue newly contains data from the Czech Panel Household Survey (CHPS) and corresponding metadata in English. 

Spain becomes a Member of the ESS ERIC consortium

The European Commission approved the amendment to the statutes of the European Social Survey (ESS) European Research Infrastructure Consortium, endorsing thus Spain as a full Member. ESS ERIC is currently with 26 Members and one Observer one of the largest European research infrastructures.

CESSDA is hiring a new Director

The consortium of social science data archives CESSDA ERIC is seeking qualified candidates for the full-time position of Director. Requirements and scope of work is published on the website. Applications can be submitted until December 15.

Making Social Science Research Transparent

Invitation to a webinar organi. High-quality data have the potential to be reused in many ways. Archiving and publishing your data properly is at the core of making your data FAIR and will enable both your future self as well as others to get the most out of your data. Recently, more and more scientific journals are implementing open data policies, leading to researchers' dilemmas about where, when and how to publish the data.

CESSDA® Roadshow on Circular Economy

CESSDA® Roadshow on the Circular Economy brings together experts from service providers and top-level researchers to explore the key role of the social sciences with impartial, reliable data on attitudes and practices to recycling and eco-design. It will guide participants through valuable resources in the CESSDA Data Catalogue®, give examples of data use and reuse as best practices and explain how researchers can organise and process data using the ESSDA Data Management Expert Guide®.

University students after the third wave of coronavirus

Last year, the Czech Republic, as one of the 27 countries, participated in the study to examine the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on a specific population of university students (a summary of the results in Czech is available here). During May and June this year, a follow-up of the study was done by the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and a research consortium of psychologists. This survey, which focuses on university students and how the first wave of the pandemic affected their field of studies, mental well-being and other related topics, is now on the website of the Institute of Sociology of the AV CR, v.v.i., and a press release in Czech is also available. The authors of the study, among which are also Michaela Kudrnáčová and Jan Klusáček from ČSDA, plan to archive the data and make it available to registered users.

Webinar: FAIR Data in Social Sciences and Humanities

This training event will be devoted specifically to FAIR Data in SSH, and it will provide answers to the following questions, among others:

  • How is research data in SSH defined?
  • Why are FAIR principles important for the management of research data in SSH?
  • How can the FAIR principles be implemented in SSH?

The event will take place online on 15. 9. 2021 from 14:00 until 15:30 CEST.

Registration is required and can be done here.

More information regarding the webinar is available here.