Last year, the Czech Republic, as one of the 27 countries, participated in the study to examine the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on a specific population of university students (a summary of the results in Czech is available here). During May and June this year, a follow-up of the study was done by the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and a research consortium of psychologists. This survey, which focuses on university students and how the first wave of the pandemic affected their field of studies, mental well-being and other related topics, is now on the website of the Institute of Sociology of the AV CR, v.v.i., and a press release in Czech is also available. The authors of the study, among which are also Michaela Kudrnáčová and Jan Klusáček from ČSDA, plan to archive the data and make it available to registered users.
University students after the third wave of coronavirus
Ilona Trtíková