Dataverse and the website will be unavailable on Thursday 6 March
Due to the replacement of fibre optic cable routes, the entire network of the Institute of Sociology will be out of service on 6 March 2025 (Thursday) from 12:00 to 18:00.
For this reason, neither the website nor the Dataverse data archive will be available.
Thank you for your understanding
Socioeconomic data in cross-disciplinary infectious disease research: An introduction to resources from the BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) project
Socioeconomic data in cross-disciplinary infectious disease research: An introduction to resources from the BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) project
New archiving system Dataverse
We have migrated to the new, modern archiving system - Dataverse. You can already find the data in the new system.
CESSDA Recognised for its contributions to Open Science best practices
CESSDA has been recognised in the new Horizon Europe Programme Guide and the Open Research Europe publishing platform for its contribution to Open Science practices. These recognitions highlight the importance of trusted repositories in Open Science practices, particularly in preserving and making research data accessible.

CESSDA Resource Directory - an information tool for data archive professionals
Have you ever felt lost in the world of data archives and repositories? Maybe you want to apply for the Core Trust Seal certification but have no idea what it takes. Or you are looking for inspiration on how to improve your services or start a new service. You might also just want to update your policies and are looking for examples from sister institutions.

Spotlight on the CSDA
The Czech Social Science Data Archive is a national data service center for social science research. The star of the latest episode of CESSDA Country Spotlight was its former leader and current director of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

ICRI2022 satellite event
As part of the ICRI 2022 international conference, we are hosting a meeting of representatives of data archives involved in the CESSDA ERIC.
ESS Visegrad Network+ Conference
13 - 14 October 2022, Academic Conference Centre, Husova 4a (entrance from Jilská 1), 110 00 Praha 1

Webinar - Ecological consumption and production
A clean environment and sustainability are of fundamental importance for human health and well-being. Therefore, we are organizing a timely data discovery event on Ecological consumption and production.
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