Current state poses many questions regarding health and health care and also economic situation and impact of protective measures. Sociological research can provide us with deeper insight into current situation and impact of pandemic. Many data and information will not be known until the very end of the current crisis, however, many relevant data are already available and more will follow in the near future.

Apart from collecting information regarding available data and studies connected to COVID-19, we are also actively participating on research efforts. On behalf of the Sociological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, part of the CSDA team has joined international research initiative of Antwerp University International COVID-19 Student Well-being Study, which is focusing on university students; how their student life and well-being has been impacted by COVID-19 outbreak. The research is a collaboration of 27 countries.
We selected some sociological surveys, refering to data and/or studies themselves. The list is work in progress.
In data catalogue Nesstar, you can find e.g.:
Topic question „threat for Czechia – epidemic“ appears repeatedly in autumn surveys of Our Society (CVVM):
- November 2019 (in Czech)
- November 2018 (in English)
- December 2017 (in Czech)
Topic „health and health care“ appears in surveys of Our Society (CVVM):
- December 2019 (in Czech)
- December 2018 (in Czech)
- December 2017 (in Czech)
Topis „Family and health “ in ISSP surveys during 2011-2012 period
Survey consist of questions regarding health care, health state of the respondent and also questions regarding personal values such as if some people should be labeled as priority within health care system non/smoker, young/old, with/without children.
Access to the data (in Czech)
Information regarding health condition in CHPS, 4th wave (in Czech) – employed respondents from CHPS to test COVID-19 immunity during the first wave of pandemic
Access to the data (in Czech)
Present data and research:
COVID-19 in Czechia: Open access data (in Czech) - MZČR
COVID‑19: Vaccination overview (in Czech) - MZČR
Living, working and COVID-19 (in English) - Eurofond
Coronavirus COVID-19 – data (in Czech) - Evropské středisko pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí (ECDC)
Economic issues of households and distant schooling (in Czech) – PAQ research
Economic issues of households and distant schooling after one month since restrictions (in Czech) – PAQ research
Infographic regarding How COVID-19 pandemic affected work life? (in Czech) – PAQ research
Coronavirus update (in English) – Worldometer
Pew Research Surveys (in English)
IPSOS Surveys (in English)
Tracking COVID-19 Johns Hopkins CSSE (in English)
The World Pandemic Research Network (in English) - directory of ongoing social research regarding pandemic
The European Economic Association (EEA) (in English) - an international scientific body, with membership open to all persons involved or interested in economics
Other sources:
Questions regarding health care and health condition - ESS 2014 Round 7 (in English)
Czech Statistical Office (ČSÚ) Data:
- Status and movement of inhabitants (in Czech)
- Dead sorted by the cause of death (in Czech)