Collecting, preserving and disseminating social data in Ukraine during the war. Experience of cooperation of the Kyiv Archive with CESSDA and the Czech Social Data Archive.

Od 25.04.2024 14:00 Do 25.04.2024 16:00

Místo konání Sociologický ústav, zasedací místnost 207

Uveřejněnil/a petra salamounova

Kategorie: Seminář SOÚ

Počet zobrazení: 340

Collecting, preserving and disseminating social data in Ukraine during the war. Experience of cooperation of the Kyiv Archive with CESSDA and the Czech Social Data Archive.  PDF presentation


The workshop will focus on the collection and preservation of social research data in Ukraine during the war. We will discuss the challenges and limitations faced by researchers in Ukraine today, ways to overcome these challenges, and the cooperation of researchers with the Czech Social Data Archive and CESSDA. The results of the year-long project will be presented at the seminar, implemented by the Kyiv Archive with the support of CESSDA in cooperation with the Czech Social Data Archive - a list of published data collections on socially important research topics conducted in Ukraine during 1991-2023.

We invite everyone who is interested in the topic of resilience of Ukrainian social science researchers in times of war, as well as those who study the dynamics (change) of people's opinions in times of crisis, in particular, during war.

Yulia Sakhno is a manager of the Ukrainian National Data Bank of Sociological Data "Kyiv Archive", which is the longest-serving and largest archive for social survey data in Ukraine. She has a Master's degree in Sociology and currently works as a researcher at the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (a host institution for the Kyiv Archive). Since April 2022, she is actively involved as a mentee in the cooperation with Czech Social Science Data Archive (CSDA) aimed at the preservation and development of Ukrainian data services.

Olga Zhmurko is a researcher at CSDA. She is a Ph.D. Candidate at Masaryk University, has a Master’s degree in Philosophy. Currently teaches at MUNI courses “Sociology of Identity” and “Sociology of Forced Migration”. Is involved in a number of researches related to the Ukrainian forced displaced persons. Olga is a Founder and Head of the research agency “Vox Populi” (Ukraine).

The organization of the workshop was supported by project CSDA/ESS-CZ reg. no. LM2023046. The project received funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports grant intended for support of the large research infrastructures.